Amazon Week 24 - 2023

Week 24 - 2023

Top posts

  1. AI-powered Q&As for your Amazon listings? Use ChatGPT for your Amazon listings by crafting top-notch Q&As from your listing and customer reviews. Thanks, Mansour.

  2. Amazon's Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) is opening its doors to new sellers again this year. Launched in 2015, SFP hit a few speed bumps, falling short of Prime customer expectations. Thanks, Prem.

  3. Amazon Attribution now offers new-to-brand conversion data. Allowing brands to optimize their customer acquisition strategies. Figure out if your campaigns are reaching new buyers or existing customers, and tweak accordingly. Thanks, Prem.

  4. Amazon's 'Similar to Advertised Products' targeting can misfire. Think your Protein Powder ads on unrelated Collagen Supplements. Instead, invest some effort, manual targeting yields better results. Thanks, Yogesh.

  5. Amazon's AI is summarizing customer reviews for easy skimming. Pros: It saves time and aids decision-making. Cons: It may highlight the negatives over the positives. Thanks, Marketplace Pulse.

Snapshot of our Amazon news feed update, which allows you to select your favourite creator, topic, or platform (LinkedIn/Twitter). 

Top Design

Benefits of having a sponsored brand:

  1. Increased Visibility: Sponsored Brands ads are keyword and product-targeted, which makes them eligible to appear in highly visible placements within shopping results and on product detail pages.

  2. Brand Differentiation: Using customized and rich creatives, Sponsored Brands can help you tell a story that's unique to your brand.

  3. Traffic Generation: Sponsored Brands ads can direct shoppers to an individual product detail page, a custom landing page displaying a selection of your products, or your Store.

We have over 500 Sponsored Brand images in our portfolio for your inspiration. Check them out here! 

Just dropped the price to £90.

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